This is a great week to share more information about disability rights and resources in Charlotte, NC as the Charlotte disability lawyers at Collins Price, PLLC open their new office! As Social Security Disability Attorneys in Charlotte, we often receive questions about housing for disabled adults in NC, day programs for adults with disabilities in Charlotte, NC and general disability rights.
While we do not represent clients in disability matters relating to possible violations of the ADA act, we are happy to provide clients with resources and information to help make living with a disability easier.
Disability Rights Under the ADA
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law enacted on July 26, 1990. The ADA guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications. The purpose of the law is to ensure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
The ADA provides disabled persons access to fair employment, public service, accessibility to public accommodations and telecommunication services. If you are disabled and believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of a disability, you can submit a written complaint directly to the City of Charlotte at the following email: CharlotteADA@charlottenc.gov.
Keep reading below for more valuable links and resources for disabled adults living in Charlotte and surrounding areas.
Housing for Disabled Adults in NC
Some of our disability clients struggle to find housing that is appropriate for their needs. If you are local to Charlotte or North Carolina in general, we’d recommend the following resources:
The Independent Living Rehabilitation Program (IL) operated by NC’s Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) helps disabled adults live a more independent life. This living environment provides an alternative to life in a nursing home or other facility for eligible individuals. Services include guidance counseling, rehabilitation engineering, home and vehicle modifications, skills training, certain equipment purchases, assistance with leisure activities, personal assistive services and service animals.
North Carolina residents can also search for general housing needs at https://www.nchousingsearch.com. Simply filter the results by certain accessibility needs to find appropriate accommodations.
Day Programs for Adults with Disabilities in Charlotte, NC
Charlotte is home to several day programs for disabled adults. We’ve listed a few options below:
Next Step Clubhouse at First United Methodist Church. Next Step Clubhouse is a comprehensive day program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities providing facilities and activities to allow exceptional individuals to participate in supervised social and recreational programming with peers.
Monarch Day Center also offers several options around Charlotte for adult day programs for individuals living with developmental or intellectual disabilities.
And you can click here for a complete list of Adult Day Programs in Mecklenburg County as well as helpful FAQ’s.
Charlotte NC Social Security Disability Lawyers
And finally, for a complete list of general resources for disabled adults living in Charlotte, NC, we would encourage you to visit a local Charlotte, NC nonprofit called Disability Rights and Resources. You can find them online at https://disability-rights.org.
Of note: we cannot personally recommend a specific program from the above list. But, we do hope you find the above resources helpful. Additionally, do not hesitate to contact our Charlotte Social Security Disability lawyers if we can help you or your loved one with a Social Security Disability claim.